Zork (video game)

From WE Computers Museum
Zork screenshot.png
Developer Dave Lebling, Bruce Daniels, Marc Blank, Tim Anderson
Publisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Platforms DOS, Glulx, PDP-6, PDP-10, TADS, Z-code
Released Worldwide: 1977
Added to
DOS, Glulx, TADS, Z-code: September 7, 2019

Zork is a text adventure game that is the original full version of the first three video games in the Zork series.

It was developed under the title Dungeon. However, it was renamed to its prototype title, Zork, due to a trademark claim by the owners of the Dungeons and Dragons franchise

Zork was developed on MIT's ITS operating system for the PDP-6 and PDP-10 mainframe computers, between 1977 and 1978 by MIT university students Dave Lebling, Bruce Daniels, Marc Blank, and Tim Anderson.


Zork was freely released on the ARPANET, the precursor of the internet. However, when three of the four designers of Zork formed Infocom, it was split into three text adventure games (Zork I, II, and III) so that it could be released commercially on the personal computer hardware of the time.

Volker Blasius ported Zork to DOS in 1987.

The original version of Zork has also been converted to several scripting languages: